Friends Select School CSA Partnership
With Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative

Purchase Your Farm Fresh Vegetables Eggs and More Today. 
(Supplied by Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative in Lancaster, PA.)

Ask and you shall receive meat! Our popular weekly vegetable share is better than ever. If you want to add some more protein to your culinary adventures, we are offering a weekly chicken and/or meat share as well as bi-weekly deliveries of eggs and cheese. 

Vegetable, egg, cheese, meat and chicken shares will be available for pick up between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. on the first floor of Friends Select in the exit hall next to the lower school art room. Pick-up will be every Thursday, January 23 - March 13, 2013.* 

You will receive an email confirmation of your share purchase. Please note that a $25 convenience fee will be included in your purchase. This will cover cost associated with hosting the CSA.  Additional funds will go to the Parent Association. If you would like to talk to a fellow parent that participates in the CSA let us know ans we will connect you:

Pricing Information:
vegetable share**   $172  8 weeks    5-8 vegetables    weekly
chicken  $120 8 weeks 3 lb.   weekly
meat   $240 8 weeks 3 lb.  weekly
eggs  $21.20   4 weeks 1 dozen  bi-weekly 
cheese  $110 4 weeks   3 local varieties   bi-weekly

All Organic and non-GMO see more details on types and cuts of meet on the purchase page.

*This day of the week is subject to change.
**There is only one size share in the winter. It is comparable to the Spring or Fall Half share.